Important dates:

Short course: July 7th, 2025.
Conference: July 8th to 10th, 2025.
Submission deadline: February 15th, 2025.
Extended deadline: March 1st, 2025.
Notification of acceptance: Avril 15th, 2025.
Inscriptions close: May 15th, 2025.


Soft matter materials are present in daily life, especially in foods. As a result, soft matter and foods share many common physical states: gels, emulsions, foams, suspensions and more. We believe that both research fields could combine their forces to better understand and design functional materials, thereby addressing world-wide problems with out-of-the-world solutions.

The purpose of this conference is then to bring together researchers from academia and industry in both soft matter and food science. Scientists in physics, physical-chemistry, and soft matter on one side, and food science on the other side, will have opportunities to exchange ideas and strengthen cooperation.

The congress will be organized around two invited lectures, thematic sessions, a poster session and exhibition of scientific instruments.

Invited speakers

Organizing Committee

Alexy Brunel (IPR & ISCR)
Fabienne Gauffre (ISCR)
Valerie Lechevalier (L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers)
Cécile Le Floch-Fouéré (L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers)
Ludovic Paquin (ISCR)
Stephane Pezennec (STLO-INRAE)
Emeline Roux (NUMECAN)
Arnaud Saint-Jalmes (IPR)
Veronique Vié (IPR)

Scientific Committee

Ghazi Ben-Messaoud (STLO-INRAE)
Claire Berton (BIA-INRAE)
Adeline Boire (BIA-INRAE)
Claire Bourlieu (IATE-INRAE)
Isabelle Capron (BIA-INRAE)
Christophe Chassenieux (IMMM- Le Mans Université)
Rammile Ettelaie (University of Leed)
Anne-Laure Fameau (UMET-Université de Lille)
Valérie Gagnaire (STLO-INRAE)
Deniz Gunes (KU Leuven)
Thomas Kodger (Wagenigen University & Research)
Steven Le Feunteun (STLO-INRAE)
Hamza Mameri (IATE-INRAE)
Paul Menut (SayFood-INRAE)
Marie-Helène Morel (IATE-INRAE)
Marco Ramaioli (SayFood-INRAE)
Laurence Ramos (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb)
Elke Scholten (Wagenigen University & Research)
Anja Maria Wagemans (Technische, Universität Dreden)
Jack Yang (Wagenigen University & Research)


Detailed program and poster session program to be announced

Conference venue

The conference (7th - 10th, July) will take place in Rennes at the Beaulieu campus.


Note that abstracts connecting food science and soft matter science will be primarly selected.

T1/ Multi-scale structures: heterogeneities, multicomponents, gels, fat and oil structures, ...

T2/ Dispersed systems: emulsions, foams, interfaces

T3/ Phase-separation and coacervation in edible soft matter

T4/ Processing, 3D printing, extraction

T5/ Transformation, deformation and digestibility of soft systems

T6/ Innovative characterization and analysis (imaging, microscopy, spectroscopy, scattering, rheology ...)

T7/ New and sustainable ingredients

T8/ Simulations and AI modelling

Invited Speakers

Dr. Marta Martínez-Sanz

Dr. Clément de Loubens

Useful informations

The building 2A is located on the Beaulieu Campus : Maps link.
Access by bus (from the city center) : Take the lines C4 or C6, and stop at « Tournebride » (10mins from the city center).
Access by Metro : use the B line up to « Beaulieu Université » station, then 10 minutes walk to building 2A.

Hotel list:


Anton Paar
LS Instruments


Univ. Rennes IPR
Institut Agro
Rennes Metropole


Abstract must be submitted using these templates (Word or LaTeX) to the following email address:

Abstract submission deadline: February 15th, 2025

Extended submission deadline: March 1st, 2025.


A link to azur-colloque will be provided later.


Congress registration includes access to the lectures, the conference, exhibitor stands, coffee breaks, lunches and gala dinner.
(Accommodation is not included).

Until May 15th
Students & Post-docs 300 €
Senior 400 €
Sponsors from 400 to 1500 €